Wednesday, 17 August 2011

The Orlando Chronicles


Bad start to the day. My iritis flared up BAD when I woke up? (Remember reading the bit on my lupus in the bio? Well with lupus comes iritis. It inflames your iris and makes you sensitive to light, like you some sort of vampire, as well as sensitive to yellow, like I'm a Green Lantern or something. I'm thinking the constant exposure to the sun and some stress on the trip contributed to it coming back. Here's a link if you wanna find out more:

I was dealing with that all day, but didn't have much time to think about that, cause we had to get our flying on. The Disney Magical Express came to pick us up from the Polynesian at 12:15pm eastern and took us to the Orlando International Airport. I think we've all agreed that we will be back as soon as possible. First time we've had a REAL fam vacation and we loved every minute of it (well, minus the iritis . . .). At the airport, we dealt with some rude attendants, but I'm starting to see that happens a lot at different airports.

The first flight was from Orlando to Denver. That was more than 3 hours. On that flight, they played the movie Thor and the Madonna episode of Glee. I tried to get some sleep to maybe calm my iritis, but that wasn't happening. The second flight was another 3+ hour one, from Denver to Edmonton. That one had no movie or anything and my iPod and laptop both died on the flight, so I sat there doing nothing haha. GOOD TIMES.

Writing this form the home PC, and it's nice to be back home. Got things I gotta take care of, people to see, DOD shirts to sell, and work to be done. Like I said in the last entry, I hope to be back as soon as possible. This trip was life changing, in a way. May not have fully explained it in these daily blog summaries, but this wasn't just a trip. It was a symbol of victory. A victory I claimed over two years ago after I received my heart transplant. I'm thankful I was able to stick around to see this trip and have been given another chance at life. No matter who you are or what you've been through, you can't let life or your past control who you are or what you do today. Live to the fullest. Love to the fullest. Be all you can be. Cliche? Maybe. True? Definitely.

Take Care & Much Love
David The Recipient


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