Sunday 27 May 2012

Home. Hospital. Repeat.

I was admitted again. About a week and a half ago. This was a short stay though. Only four days. This time it was for stomach flu. For any regular person, any type of sickness is bad. With me and my condition, it’s 10 times worse, so it causes me to be admitted whenever something happens. Lucky me.

Being admitted means I get to deal with all the fun new doctors, the kidney specialists who don’t tend to hear me when I speak. I’ve been doing dialysis for a while now (since January) and my kidney function has started to improve. Try telling them that and they tell me otherwise. I had no idea that they were with me 24/7. And know more about me than I do. They must’ve implanted a camera in me the last time I was admitted. Crazy.

Anyways, for those reading this that are planning on going into the healthcare, whether it be a receptionist, nurse, doctor, respitory therapist, nutritionist, whatever, MAKE SURE YOU LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS. Make them part of your team. When you leave at the end of the day, guess what? They’re still stuck with whatever disease is affecting them. Don’t treat them like they don’t know anything about what’s going on. And if they don’t, EDUCATE THEM. Believe me, your relationship will be a better one and you’ll all be happier.

This is my reality.

On the bright side though, it’s been 39 months post heart transplant. Good times.


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